Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Patience - a holy property

hey guys,
after a long time, another post, but now, it is really time to write something new ;)

I dont know, if you know.....
... but i am used to be very patient ;)

And i like to know, what is happening in at least the near future....

buuuuut, for the moment, there is a time, where things are very uncertain!
The MC Term is ending, and there is a diploma thesis ....and i am figuring out my opportunities in writing within a company and so on.
But i am in the loop, waiting and waiting for clear answers.....

ha ha ha , this first words were written from me at the beginning of my life after AIESEC, in late April....now we have mid-August and many things are clearer.
But, this way of PATIENCE was a tough way and quite an experience for me, as i am called from some people, the "most patient person in the world ;)".

Sitting in a vacuum in the status of "nothing is set" was one hard trial. Sitting around at the beginning of May, dont know exactly what to do with your future and starting a big and ongoing reflection process of your life. What is exactly what you want in life? Personal, Professional, where and what and and and?

I knew quite clear what i want to have for my private life...the question was very easy to answer, the question with professional life was not thaaaat easy...but the time to reflect in Mexico helped me a lot to find the professional path for me as well.

So at the end i decided to start my professional life around the insurance area (where i originally come from) and not in HR or working for a yellow logistical company ;). I started to search for a company to write my thesis there and i started to inform myself about possibilities to find a full time employment afterwards, which should include Insurance, Internationalism, Personal Development Opportunities, Salary, challenging tasks.........

Those days were with full of doubts about the way i did the last years....and many questions came up, where i was not sure......did i do the right strategy in the last years for me personal or was something else better? I dont know, but i guess, everybody and you know this thoughts as well.

Questions like?

- hmm...was it alright to do so much AIESEC and to abandon a degree with the highest grade possible?

- am i too old to find a cool job opportunity?

- was it ok not to focus just on studies, gaining more experience besides that in a professional area?

- was it valuable to take one year fulltime position in AIESEC?

- why didnt you start studying earlier and not after 6 years professional experience?

- why are you sometimes so lazy?

Questions, Questions and doubts during the process of getting answers from companies you applied for and being afraid of not finding a good fulltime position. It could be so easy, to believe in yourself...to believe that you will get the chance, where you can show everything you learned during the last years....and it is very easy to find a precocious comment for friends facing the same situation, like: "ah, come on guy, be sure, you will find the right job for your future...no worries, you are such a smart guy bla bla bla" ha ha , you know that conversations?

yeah, it is very easy to talk about this, if you are not emotionally involved by yourself in such a process, but if you are...and people, like parents, friends are asking questions "ah, how is it going, did you find something for your thesis" or " what would you like to work for" that HURTS yourself and keeps the small crisis going on!

But, what is the way out? I asked many people and most helpful were the discussions with my girlfriend (she faced kind of the same situation) and at the end, it is right, what everybody wants to tell you and you freak out when you hear it...ha ha , at least for me!

" Stay patient, calm down, and believe in the chance you will get and serve this chance "

After a while things are clearer, i got the chance to go to an interview as an analyst at a big consultancy...the job descritpion hit my wish list for almost 100% and put a lot of effort in getting this job....and the waiting process for a final answer was the time of my biggest doubts on myself..i guess, cause of the importance i gave this job opportunity to myself. But finally, i got it and i am very happy to start there in november! So , things turned good at the end, i am sure, i put the real strategy for my studies....because, without studies, without aiesec and without my previous professional experiences and would never got this job....the combination of skills was exactly the key to enter this company.

I would really love, to hear your stories about this small part of life finding your future or midterm plans at the end of your studies and how you overcame this doubts!