Saturday, October 21, 2006

on the way to " the devil wears prada" ....

yesterday, friday night, cinema time....

I don`t know, how it comes... must have been a condition of mental derangement....Philipp and me agreed with the movie "the devil wears prada!" (but we did not know the content before, we had no clue, that this is a "chick-flick"!

But we have good friends, they secure us for such mistakes! " Tobi, this is a chick flick, you will be the only man in the cinema!" hmmm.....or to Philipp...his girlfriend: "Oh, nice, it is about fashion and that stuff!"

Ok, we were quite uncertain, whether we should go to the movie or not, but we promised Caro to do so! At the end we were standing in the queue of the cinema box office! And, we were bashing the "Prada" movie and convincing Caro, that it would be much more fun, to go to this movie with Lara! ( ooooooh, nice!)

And after a short while of debating, we decided to go to the "CRANK" movie....all we knew was Caros comment: " It is a movie, where a killer wants to quit his job, because of a girl, but he has to do his last deal!" And we knew, that the movie was not for under 18!"

My expectations were quite low towards the movie.....but after the first minutes....i was completely hidden by this action, scenes......quite a perfect movie for me personally! And not the usual action-movie.....just better, faster, funnier!
this movie was a real surprise and completely different than imagined!

So, check it out: go to the cinema :) and have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Tobi & Sushi Story!

Since i begun my MC-Experience i have kind of new favourite food.....
If last year, somebody have told me: "Tobi, guy, your new favourite dish is Sushi ! "
Most probably I have said! "You are foolish....rare fish?!? Algae?!? Red Snapper ?!? uaaargh! Boy, i am bavarian, my favourite dish is "Schweinebraten with Knödel ;) " and it will for ever be that dish, prepared by mommy!"

But i cannot exactly remember the date, but it must be one of hour first team dinners in a restaurant, we took the decision (more specifice, most probably Eva took this decision), we are going to a Sushi Bar.... and i there any other kind of food than Sushi there?!?

No, it was not!
And i tried, and my heart was beating stronger and stronger.... i really enjoyed and loved that meal (thank you Eva for discovering Sushi) ...Sushi with salmon, sushi with tuna, sushi with every kind of fish..sushi with egg or cucumbers....delicious and healthy!

Since that day, Sushi is THEEEEEE meal...and from time to time, i try to convince the team for going to the Sushi - Bar....unfortunately i am not able to prepare Sushi on my own...but maybe, one day, if i am alone at home in our luxurious kitchen, i will try it and i will become a real Sushi-Producer - Talent!

Thats my wish for the day!

Greets to everybody and thank you for reading this random story!

Buenas noches!

(my second wish for the day is, to learn spanish ;)

Monday, October 16, 2006

the way of thinking....

what is the best way of thinking?
what is the best time to reflect on the day before, except of lying sleepless in your bed?
and where is time, where nothing other is to do?

exactly? It is the way from home to the office, school or whatever!

Personally, i have the best ideas on my morning walk to the office, by passing the obstacles on my whole way there (ok , it is just 7 minutes ;) ), different realities on the way, different thoughts... time for me and myself...and nobody can disturb, except of the unexcpected.
But therefore, a good instrument is to use your ipod! :)

and 7-10 minutes personal reflection and thinking helps a lot, if you can use this time useful. But which other opportunities than thinking are on your way to the office? none...

and today, i want to describe my personal "way of thinking"!

Leaving our house (Eva, Caro and my wonderful flat, silent with a big garden and very nice neighbours ;) , a whirlpool, designer kitchen and every luxury you can imagine ;) ) i have to pass "the tunnel of horror" . From time to time this is the point, where bad things come into my mind. But this is just for several seconds until you are back to daylight on the wonderful street directly to our office.
Here you find five minutes to reflect about the good things happened and many new ideas are coming up all way long....and then the time has come, to enter the office and start working and put your ideas and thoughts into by day..... :)
Have fun with the pics showing Tobi`s "way of thinking" at least for this year!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

sparetime is a holy time :)

hey guys,
after several weeks not having real sparetime, this weekend is finally free, yes yes yes :)
( ok, we forget the Octoberfest weekend two weeks ago, it was stress)

So, what to do with 48 hours time?
What haven`t i done sooo long and what is fun?

Yes, soccer...watching a soccer match live.....
But which should i decide this weekend?
Ok, my favourite club (1860 Munich) is down in the second league and lost unfortunately yesterday evening. What a pity! But i promise you, they`ll come back!

Which club comes into my heart in the "Bundesliga"?
I don´t know why, maybe a bad influence of my last girlfriend, but it is somehow Werder Bremen (cause, they play very cool ;), not because of Mr. Frings (this would be Lara`s reason ;) ).
Aaaaand, they played this afternoon at Bochum. Britta (my predecessor) and Mel joined me for that match.
What should i say? I had a flashback into my deep deep soccer times, where i was regularly almost every week at soccermatches....the smelling of "Bratwurst" and beer.....wonderful! :).. i enjoyed it. And in the end, Werder won 6-0. Unbelieveable! Great match at this lovely ground in the middle of Bochum City. Anybody who wants to join me other matches in the next weeks? I am back in the soccer fever....?
Best was, Mr. Herbert Grönemeyer was just at the beginning of the match in the stadium and celebrated his famous "Bochum Song"....great atmosphere...... the atmosphere was that great, that the Bochum Fans were celebrating him at the end of the match (0-6, you remember?!?)

" Without Herbert, we wouldn`t be here!"

So, thank you for this nice afternoon and the "real Currywurst"....hope to be back in the stadium soon!


just a pic...for the moment ;)

late...but not too late...Tobis blog.....

Hey guys,
new challenges coming methods of reflection (thank you my dear coffeecookers for that :)).....tobi is using a blog......yeaah!

Some first thoughts, life in the German MC....
last week , I used very often: Being in the German MC is like a rollercoaster!

Some days, you are on the top of the mountain......everything is working out, you got a shortterm success, you had a nice chat or you are running a cool and smooth conference!
But, the next day could be the other way around....some personal bad things happen and you are feeling like endmost. This feelings are hard to describe. I am not well known as a very emotinal guy....but to deal with all impressions is even hard for me.

But in the end of the day, as i said last week to Eva and Gabiza outside the office, i guess, you guys can remember this situation very well ;), "IT IS THE MOST BEAUTYFUL JOB IN THE WORLD", isn`t it?

What can be cooler than this amazing opportunity? Nothing?
What can be better than working for a vision and an identity you are standing for, your heart is beating for? nothing....
What is cooler than having such a leadership opportunity in your youthtime? With almost 2000 people in the German AIESEC Community? not much....
What is a greater working experience, than feeling the pressure of expectations towards by day...and deal with them....and cope with them....? I know none and i had several!
What is better than working with people, who are sharing the same vision and the same organizational goals? not much....

And, what is better, working close together with a team day and night, night and day, going through deep processes...this team experience, nobody can take away.....and just a few people, year by year...have the experience this!

We can be so proud, that we got this once in a lifetime opportunity......thank you!

First post,
next will follow,
